D&D 2024 Roadmap: Fixes Today, Features Tomorrow - Roll20 Blog (2025)

Over the past months, we’ve launched a ton of fixes and features for D&D 2024. But there’s still a lot we plan to do. Here’s our plans.

In the immediate, we are focused entirely on resolving the bugs and issues that have cropped up over the past months. Our mission is to make sure your group’s experience is as smooth and frustration free as possible. We’ll be spending the next few weeks doing only that. We’ll keep an updated list of bugs and updates at the bottom of this post for you to reference at any point.

Once we’re satisfied we’ve resolved your most annoying issues (big and small), we’ll be pivoting back to developing new features. Here’s what we generally have planned for next, although this can change based on your feedback:

Uplift Top 2014 Mod Scripts

Continuing to uplift top 2014 Mod Scripts to be compatible with 2024 Sheet. We already support:

  • GroupInitiative
  • GroupCheck
  • TokenMod

Dice Syntax

Need to utilize Roll20’s powerful dice mechanics to create your own custom roll?
We’re adding support so you can customize rolls for any effect or attack.


We are working to roll out full support for Macros.

Alternate Spells Layout

Higher level spell-casters need more screen space to see all of their spell options.

We’re adding a fullscreen view to see all of your spells and spell slots at once.

Ammo & Spell Slot Tracking

We’re working to provide native support within the D&D 2024 sheet, which currently requires a Mod Script for the 2014 sheet.

Filter Options on the Character Builder

Filter options across the builder to better help you build your character.

Customization Updates

We’re giving you the ability to homebrew custom backgrounds and species in the builder.

D&D 2024 Roadmap: Fixes Today, Features Tomorrow - Roll20 Blog (1)

Noted Bugs

Below you’ll see all the bugs we’ve been made aware of that we’re currently working to fix.

  • Damage Dice not rolling updated details to chat when they are edited
  • Certain Spell Save/Attack damage rolls are not correctly rolling to chat
  • Exhaustion effects continuing to be applied to rolls, even when the condition is turned off
  • Shield bonuses are not being applied to AC token bars
  • Prepared Spell counter within the Spells Management modal is not correctly updating as spells are prepared/unprepared
  • Damage effects with dice should double the dice on crit (ex. sneak attack)
  • Attacks and heals from spells that aren’t prepared shouldn’t show on the combat tab
  • Packs currently have their weight incorrectly duplicated by adding pack contents weight + pack weight
  • Automatic healing ability bonus should add spellcasting modifier as expected (ex. cure wounds)
  • Setting a skill’s ability attribute to (None) should add no ability bonus to the skill

Resolved Bug List

You can always follow our changelog for the most up to date improvements. Below you’ll see some bugs we’ve recently squashed in order to improve your experience with D&D 2024 on Roll20.

  • Fixed a bug where some 2014 Attacks, Actions and alternate armor class scores were failing to populate from the builder
  • Fixed a bug where some 2014 species were not correctly adding natural attacks to the sheet when using the Builder (e.g. Monk’s unarmed strike)
  • You now have the option to add actions for their character in the combat tab by clicking the + button and clicking “Add Action”.
  • Fixed a bug where some spells were not being added to your sheet if they were sourced from a book separate from the feature or item that granted it, even if you owned both books.
  • Fixed a bug where if a class/species/background is granting your character multiple spells automatically, it was only listing one of the spells in the summary.
  • The Skills slide in the builder now has more concise names for proficiency choices that come from the compendium.
  • Species and Background features/traits are now grouped more logically in the builder.
  • Fixed a bug where resource recovery didn’t include roll bonuses
  • Resolved an issue with prepared spellcasters where spells were incorrectly showing regardless of prepared status.
  • Prepared spellcasters will now see a modal upon opening their sheet, informing them that all their spells have been automatically prepared to prevent any spells from disappearing. A prompt will guide them to the Manage Spells modal to review and adjust their prepared spell count.
  • Resolved an issue where some users were experiencing increased lag on their character sheets
  • Fixed a bug in the builder where feats that include one or more ability score increase choices would not take the ability score increase choice into account when displaying the completion status. Completion status is now correctly shown for these ability score increase choices.
  • Species and features that give a non-walk speed now say the correct speed that they give you, instead of incorrectly defaulting to walk speed.
  • Fixed a bug in the Builder where you were able to create characters at levels higher than 20 when multiclassing.
  • Fixed a bug where prepared spellcasters were seeing all their spells on their sheet, not just their prepared ones
D&D 2024 Roadmap: Fixes Today, Features Tomorrow - Roll20 Blog (2025)
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Author: Melvina Ondricka

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Author information

Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.